
Master Thesis: TresorSGX.

Securing storage encryption by using Intel SGX enclaves. First attempt for the isolation of OS components with trusted enclaves. Nominated for the CAST-Förderpreis and published at SysTEX'16.

Intel SGX - Theory vs Reality.

What are the advertised benefits of the Intel Software Guarded Extensions and can We use them?

Common Weaknesses of Android Malware Analysis Frameworks.

An overview about multiple analysis framework detection and evading techniques of Android malware.

Neuronale Korrelate des Framing Effekts und die Brücke zur Prospect Theory.

Welche Hintergründe hat der Framing Effekt, wie beeinflusst er unser Handeln und wie können wir mit ihm das Handeln Anderer beeinflussen.